Setting up my mac for development
Jun 28, 2023
dev tools I use / what I do when setting up a new macbook for development
set up CLI tools & homebrew šŗ
install xcode cli tools install homebrew
set up Hyper terminal ā”ļø
download from hyper website and install
plugins & themes available too
set up Oh My Zsh š¢
install zsh
installation instructions for oh my zsh
install oh my zsh plugins
- aliases - I use the github aliases to speed up my workflow e.g. gst, gp, gl, gc
- zsh-autosuggestions - for autocomplete in the terminal
set up Starship š
starship website & installation
update starship config
create a config directory and file
mkdir -p ~/.config && touch ~/.config/starship.toml
update config file to make it cute š
![screenshot of terminal](/_app/immutable/assets/terminal2.e72935e2.png)
below code is my current config - for more info on starship config options > starship docs
format =
# [time]
# disabled = false
# format = '[ $time]($style) '
# time_format = '%H:%M'
# Replace the 'āÆ' symbol in the prompt with 'ā'
[character] # The name of the module we are configuring is 'character'
success_symbol = '[ā](purple)'
home_symbol = 'š '
set up VSCode
download and install from vs code website
choose a theme
decisions decisions!! iām currently using Noctis Uva (from the Noctis theme collection)
install extensions
(or sync them from settings sync)
- Prettier
- Svelte for VS Code
- Tailwind CSS Intellisense
- IntelliJ IDEA Keybindings
- Error Lens
- Svg Preview
- Figma for VSCode